What to pay attention to? The project manager must be sociable, able to cope with multitasking, have leadership qualities and understand the technical part of the work, be it construction or IT.
In this article:
The essence of the project and project management
Differences between a project manager and a program manager
General responsibilities of singapore business mailing list the project manager
Skills and qualities of a project manager
Duties and Qualities of a Project Manager in Construction
Responsibilities of a Project Manager in IT
Project Manager Selection
Frequently Asked Questions About Project Manager Responsibilities

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The essence of the project and project management
A project is a set of several different activities that are carried out to achieve one goal. For example, to create a new product or to obtain a certain result in a specific area.
Project management is an activity aimed at organizing work taking into account certain requirements. These may be tight deadlines, a limited budget, and other conditions.
To achieve a specific goal, a project management specialist must have all the necessary knowledge on the topic, leadership qualities, the ability to solve problems that arise when working in a team, and the ability to choose an individual approach to each of the colleagues.
The table below shows the differences between the control systems.
Traditional management Project Management
The benchmark is set for the course of events The benchmark is to achieve results
The process of working on a project itself is important The main thing is the achieved goal as a result
There are no clear deadlines The work must be completed before the deadline.
Responsibilities are divided between employees Resources are divided equally among specialists
Stable, uniform activity Different tasks
A permanent team where everyone occupies a specific position Teams created for a specific project, consisting of different specialists
Project management is a way to implement goals in a strategic way. This management method allows you to understand which tasks are important for the growth of the organization and evenly distribute efforts to solve them.
It consists of dividing the project into its component parts. This makes it easier to control the budget, deadlines, and evaluate the results at each stage. It will be much easier to analyze the results and solutions of small tasks, and the overall goal of the activity.
The essence of the project and project management
Source: shutterstock.com
The person managing the project is a mentor for the team, he is responsible for it, defines the goal and direction of the work. He is responsible for the project budget, deadlines, selection of the team, achievements and failures of each specialist, the overall result of the activity.
A good manager must be able to make forecasts for the near future in order to solve problems in advance, before they arise. All responsibility lies with this person. His goal is to distribute available resources in such a way as to achieve the best result.
It is important to understand the difference between the roles of a project manager, an operations manager, and a functional manager. The latter is a person who manages individual sectors of the company. Operational managers are responsible for the efficiency of the business process.
Any experienced employee can be a project manager. They are often subordinate to the management of the company or department where they work. A project is a temporary event. Its manager occupies a leadership position only for the period of work on a specific product.
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Differences between a project manager and a program manager
A program manager is a person who is responsible for more than one project. He or she leads a group of several different projects with one goal. This unity is called a program. This role is very similar to the role of a project manager.
Typically, they work together to develop an action plan for their team, having defined the needs of the clients beforehand. They coordinate all decisions with the top management, propose new strategies and solutions. They can be called the link between tasks, the team and the projects.
The success of the organization's activities depends entirely on the professionalism of the program manager. He is responsible for the results of the teams' work, because he guides them in the process of preparing projects. He must establish communication between groups working on different projects, organize and coordinate the work of all teams. He needs to direct subordinates, sometimes - to become a full-fledged boss for project managers.
Differences between a project manager and a program manager
Source: shutterstock.com
This is the person who decides which strategies to pursue and then evaluates how fruitful the work has been. The program manager must be aware of all deadlines and budget changes because he or she is ultimately responsible for managing project resources and risks.
The project manager and the program manager need to cooperate. They must understand that their goals are the same and they can count on each other. Only then will the program be successful.
In a traditional management system, the program manager is above the person responsible for the work of the group. Because it includes several projects at once. This means that the program manager has several times more responsibility. But today, horizontal management structures are more common. In such a system, all managers are on the same level. They are partners for each other who strive for one goal - the success of the program.