You may also enjoy: . Best black friday email campaigns tips inspiring holiday email campaigns you’ll want to copy . Right now stunning happy new year email exampleswhy is cyber monday important?Cyber monday – which . Is on nov. This year – has surpassed black friday as the biggest selling and . Shopping day of the year according to all metrics. Even though black friday still carries . The more recognizable name, cyber monday is the time to truly sell more.
Whereas black friday . Focuses more on the big-ticket items and new russia email list releases, cyber monday is catered more to . Smaller items, gadgets, products that were released previously, digital subscriptions, gift cards, and things people . Have been wanting in their daily lives.In , the selling season metrics went down for . The first time in, well, basically forever, according to forbes. It wasn’t drastic, in fact . In terms of big number figures, the drop is barely noticeable – from billion .
To billion for cyber monday from to , and from to billion . For black friday over the same time frame.With some inflation worry and financial concerns hitting . The us and world this year, you can expect that people will look to save . As much as possible during that time frame this year. This means making your cyber . Monday emails stand out in the crowd with great offers is imperative for according to .
Industry data from the npd group, a little more than of people still plan . To spend the same or more this year compared to yet, plan to spend . Less and an additional won’t make any purchases at all. That’s not to be . A deterrent, as business must go on, so think of the audience you do have, . The customers you do have, and try to nurture them as best as possible.
Creating Telemarketing Strategies for Exclusive Offers
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