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Once you find a site that you like, vote for them and then visit their blog

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:42 am
by zihadhasan019
diversity. The more diverse your inbound link portfolio the better. So let's stretch that portfolio, remember to breath deep (and imbibe some coffee)... One of my favorite ways to increase my link diversity is to sign up for a BloggersChoiceAwards account, nominate one of my own sites, and then find other sites that catch my eye.

Leave a comment such as; "Hi there, I lo france business email list ve your blog about <<insert relevant content here>> and I voted for you, I wondered if you would like to vote for me, I am at <<insert your BloggersChoiceAwards link here>>" This simple stretching exercise will get you networked in with a whole range of diverse bloggers and it can build some genuine friendships if you follow up on votes etc.


The next stage is to work on those friendships and try to gain a blogroll link or a review of your site on theirs! Stretch.... and target diversity! 2. Put in Some Time on the Tread-Mill Cardio exercise is all about endurance and getting your heart rate up, let's think of it as perservering with some of the more tedious SEO tasks combined with a boost in your pulse (That's right people, take another sip of that coffee!) I find the most boring SEO task is advertising, it takes time to correctly sculpt a great advert and it may take several months to get a good idea of how well an advert is performing, but it's worth it! I always look for ways to use PPC adverts which will steadily increase traffic whilst remaining low cost; One way is to create a site widget using a service such as WidgetBox, ClearSpring or Yahoo Widgets and then start a PPC campaign which links to the widget download page.