Benefits of a full funnel strategy

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Benefits of a full funnel strategy

Post by muskanislam99 »

A properly designed and managed full funnel strategy involves a large number of benefits, among which I would highlight:

- Immediate availability of data. Once an opportunity is generated, it is available to execute automated communication actions, or interactions between the sales team and the client. In many commercial processes , establishing immediate communication makes a huge difference, which translates into better conversion rates.

- Sometimes, the current moment is not the right moment (e.g. selling car insurance, when the client already has one contracted that expires in ten months), so a full funnel strategy provides us with tools to maintain the relationship during the period between contacts, so that we launch the communications most oriented to closing (often, one-to-one contacts) at the most opportune moment, taking advantage of the benefits of previous contacts.

- A great capacity to optimize each of the phases based on el salvador whatsapp lead the total cost of customer acquisition , instead of only having visibility over each of the phases independently. Leads whose generation requires a greater investment can have an increase in conversion that more than justifies it, and leads with a low investment can imply much higher acquisition costs if the conversion rate is not high enough. For this reason, analyzing only the CPL (costs per lead ), or only the conversion rates independently, can lead to very erroneous conclusions; and the correct integrated interpretation will lead to an improvement in acquisition costs. For this point, it is essential to have a comprehensive trace that allows a detailed analysis based on the different segments.

- The ability to contextualize different interactions, reducing friction between different moments and channels . The presentation of the reason for each interaction must contain information about previous contacts that justify the current one (After your request for information, after our conversation in the past,...). In this way, we substantially reduce customer mistrust and are able to update the customer on their motivations or intentions.

- Without a doubt, one of the best advantages of a full funnel strategy is the availability of a shared strategy and objectives . Commercially, the objective can be to achieve a certain sales volume , a very specific customer performance, an acquisition cost below a certain amount,... Aligning all the pieces and actors in the process to achieve the set objective is a very differentiating aspect of Full Funnel models . For this to happen, it is essential to have a dashboard, technology and work and communication processes shared between the different professionals and specialties that must intervene in the full funnel strategy .

Increnta and Salesland have formed a strategic alliance to address full funnel models and other projects, to become the most immediate, profitable and innovative source of income for our clients.
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