New changes to the maximum length of the meta description

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New changes to the maximum length of the meta description

Post by shukla7789 »

Can you imagine playing football and halfway through the match the referee changes the rules? I don't know, suddenly you can catch the ball with your hand or we all have to play with ten players. You certainly wouldn't like that.

Well, it's a feeling that those of us who work in the world of web positioning are well aware of thanks to Google, which makes all kinds of changes without warning. The latest was this week, when for the second time this year it changed the maximum length of the meta description.

Do you remember that in January Google increased the meta description to 320 characters? Here is the post where I talked about it. Well, now they have turned back and the meta description has a maximum length of 150 characters again in the case of computers and lowered to 130 in the case of smartphones.

To summarize, the new meta description lengths to consider are:

150 characters on computers
130 characters on mobile
At least according to my tests. Of course, with ios database you never know if this change will be temporary or permanent.

What is the reason for the new change in the maximum length of the meta description?
The only one who knows is Google itself, but until they give an official explanation for this change (if they deign to say anything at all) we can only hypothesize. So here are my possible explanations:

Google statistics have shown that long meta descriptions are a mistake. Perhaps after a couple of months with meta descriptions of up to 320 characters in the SERPs, Google has seen that the CTR was higher in the results with the shorter meta descriptions and has decided to restore the previous situation.
Google is once again shortening URLs due to bad practices by webmasters. As expected, many SEOs took advantage of the increase in meta descriptions to fill them with keywords and implement a thousand and one strategies to increase the CTR. Perhaps Google just wanted to put an end to what it considers bad practices.
Google is currently testing and everything will be back to normal in a few days (the hypothesis that all SEOs who spent weeks modifying their goals are crossing their fingers for).
How to prevent SERP changes from affecting you in the future
You've already seen that with Google you can't take anything for granted, and what is today a rule accepted by everyone can be forgotten tomorrow. My recommendation in the case of meta descriptions is to make them as short as possible. If you can say something in one sentence, better than in two, and this rule is as valid for marketing as it is for life in general.

Have you noticed this change in Google SERPs? What do you think about it? As always, the debate starts in the comments.
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