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What is Marketing? Different Types of Marketing

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:44 am
by monira#$1244
Dr. Philip Kotler, the father of marketing, defines marketing as "the science and art of discovering, creating, and delivering value to satisfy target market needs profitably." Marketing identifies unmet needs and wants. It defines, measures, and quantifies the size and profit potential of identified markets. It determines which market segments a georgia telegram number database company can best serve and designs and promotes appropriate products and services.

Table of contents
What is Marketing?
Why is marketing so important?
Different Types of Marketing
Offline Marketing
Outbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing
Digital Marketing
Online Marketing
Content Marketing
Email Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Marketing Mix 4P

So, what is marketing?

What is Marketing?

Marketing is all the activities involved in the process of encouraging potential customers to be interested in your product/service. Marketing involves all aspects of your business such as market research, product development, distribution methods, advertising, and sales.

Why is marketing so important?

Why is marketing so important?

It builds brand awareness
Increase sales
It builds lasting relationships with customers.

Different Types of Marketing

Offline Marketing
Offline Marketing

Offline marketing includes all marketing strategies conducted outside of the Internet; print advertising, billboard advertising, direct mail, telemarketing.

Outbound Marketing
Outbound Marketing

Outbound marketing is the most traditional form of marketing such as television commercials, cold calling, radio ads, newspaper ads, magazine ads, flyers, catalogs, and email campaigns. Outbound marketing interrupts content no matter what the customer's needs are. It is still effective today depending on its goals, target audience, and industry. When utilizing outbound marketing, it is often combined with other forms of marketing such as online marketing to maximize results. Some disadvantages are that many outbound marketing have a low ROI due to the difficulty in tracking conversions from the strategy. Customers may have a negative impression of a company due to the outbound marketing being marketed to them.

Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing