What is Google My Business used for in an SEO strategy?

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What is Google My Business used for in an SEO strategy?

Post by shukla7789 »

We end this SEO cycle for SMEs by analyzing an essential tool for positioning small and medium-sized companies. Knowing what Google My Business is for and how the search engine values ​​a good profile is a good help for any business, but beyond SEO, Google My Business brings us closer to our closest audience.

What is Google My Business
This is a free tool that allows a business to provide data about its activity. What is achieved is to link the online business to the physical one, and it is also a direct channel of dialogue between the brand and the customers.

What is Google My Business for?
It is an online business management resource, therefore it lawyer database to make a company known to the public present on the Internet.

Managing your online reputation is essential today, both for large multinational companies and for small businesses. Google My Business gives us the opportunity to directly participate in the brand image that our clients have of us.

The impact of Google My Business on your business's SEO
Using Google tools always gives you a boost to SEO, but Google My Business goes further.

If we had to answer the question, what is Google My Business for? with just one reason, it would undoubtedly be for positioning.

Being able to add photos of your business, customer reviews and personalized statistics allows both Google and your customers to know more about you, which has a direct impact on your company's SEO.

Google My Business for the public
My Business is not only an effective tool for positioning yourself, it is also perfect for your relationship with the public.

This communication channel allows your customers to rate your business with stars, write reviews, take virtual tours and much more.

As for the business, this application allows you to upload texts and images, so that potential clients can find out about you on the Internet.

Google My Business is actually a meeting point between companies and customers, an online platform where information comes first, but it also becomes a very useful boost for the SEO of any company, especially small or medium-sized, since it is aimed at local businesses.
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