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variant that can generate more results

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:07 am
by muniyaakter
In case you have no idea what an A/B test is, here’s an example for you: Consumers Have Speak: Here's What Convinces Them to Buy More 5 This is an example of A/B testing that Dario did at the beginning of his blog dariovignali .net . The goal of the test was to understand how to improve subscriptions to a box , which collected emails in exchange for a strategic report. Variants A and B in this case were two different colors of the box: one light and one dark. “Is there a ?” This is the question Dario asked himself at the time, as well as the purpose of the A/B test.

After a month of testing it emerged that, out of 10,000 visitors: norfolk island b2b leads The clear version generated 62 subscribers; The dark version generated 98 subscribers. These numbers may seem rather low, and 98 subscribers per 100,000 visitors may seem very low to you. If so, consider this: Many of the visitors counted were already registered , so they were excluded from the final result. Many other visitors, instead of signing up through this optin box, did so through other optin boxes scattered around the site . This clarification is important : never stop only at the number or percentage of your analysis, but learn to read behind the lines of the data in your reports.