Shall we go see them?

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Shall we go see them?

Post by asikurrahmanshuvo »

Let's learn more about them and why they are important.

Programmatic video tools for health
Save tWe’re all familiar with the famous quote, “good artists copy, great artists steal.” But what you may not know is that in the world of Content Marketing , some people steal from themselves.

And apparently, there is nothing wrong with that.

According to Google Search lawyer John Mueller, publishers who repurpose parts australia phone number list of their own content to create new, highly similar pieces will not be penalized by the platform.

Still, there are a couple of details you should keep in mind before using Ctrl C + Ctrl V" on your keyboard .

Google's take on using your own content again
During the Google Search Central SEO Office Hours Hangout on May 8, Mueller answered the following question:

“ Is Google okay with publishers plagiarizing their own content? For example, I wrote an affiliate article suggesting something for mom. Can I copy the content from that article to write more articles for a sister, wife, aunt, or grandmother?”

The first thing Mueller did was to make it clear that if you're repurposing your own content, that's not the same as "plagiarism," which means taking content from another website and publishing it as your own.

With that clarified, his official statement was:

“ From Google’s perspective, if you’re taking content from your own website and republishing it with some page elements changed, that’s essentially up to you .”
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