I did my qualification but I didn't get the results

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I did my qualification but I didn't get the results

Post by surovy115 »

The main reason why leads that go to sales are still “cold” is that they were not qualified properly. And this error has its greatest impact on the Need variable. This is because you can be talking to the right company, that has the budget, with the person according to the target you are looking for, but if that person is not the spokesperson for the need that my product or solution solves, it is quite difficult to have a commercial dialogue later. Why? Because, in general, the commercial dialogue is activated by the prospect due to a need that he has.

Marketing leads and sales leads
When a lead came through a Top of the Funnel campaign (content campaigns), they were not attracted by your product, but by the topic, theme or content you offered them in exchange for completing a form. These types of leads (called IQLs or MQLs) do not qualify to be passed on to sales. They must remain within the marketing nurturing process until they obtain information about their specific need.

A common mistake is for marketing to pass leads to sales as soon as they receive them, before country area code philippines they are qualified. Without an adequate qualification process, that lead wastes sales time and marketing loses a resource that could be cultivated. This is because those leads that marketing passes to sales are “burned” by offering them something they are not interested in, generating a feeling of being overwhelmed in the prospect.


On the other hand, if marketing had maintained the relationship with that prospect, delivering valuable content, generating a better experience, a better relationship with the company would have been established, with a solid base to – from there – face a commercial process. When this stage is rushed and leads are passed on to sales, without prior evaluation, as if they were qualified, both areas lose: sales and marketing,

The solution is to have a work protocol shared by both areas and that is what we call SMarketing or Sales+ Marketing, where each area determines what a lead is for its sector and when it passes from marketing to sales or vice versa. We will then have marketing leads (MQLs) and sales leads (SQLs) and therefore, two funnels connected to each other, where no lead will be considered lost. It is not a linear relationship, it is a continuous cycle, the lead that was not transformed into a sale can be recovered by marketing and then transformed into a sale and thus permanently recycling the leads.

Once leads enter our system, we should try to keep them in a continuous cycle of communication at all times. At Pragmática we can help you do that!
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