Questionnaires can help determine the psychological profile of each employee and identify the type of motivation that is most suitable for him.
Organizing various trainings helps to increase employees’ stress resistance and improve professional communication between departments.
This type of non-material motivation of personnel helps to create an atmosphere of trust and form a corporate culture. Let's consider examples of non-material motivation of a social orientation:
Team and game mechanisms business owner database used in teambuilding, corporate events and hackathons are considered highly effective. Their effectiveness is due to the use of carefully designed games and quests that facilitate interaction between employees who rarely communicate outside the work environment.
In addition to intensive work, employees can participate in various informal activities. Attending language conversation clubs, organizing board game nights on Fridays, or using the office space to exchange ideas can change the perception of the company in the eyes of employees.
To strengthen team spirit and create a positive work environment, you can implement a special box for expressing gratitude to colleagues and hold weekly public ceremonies for reading these thanks. This method of non-material motivation will help employees leave for the weekend with a sense of satisfaction and will strengthen interpersonal ties in the team.
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Non-material motivation of personnel covers aspects related to improving the working environment and technical equipment of the office. Let's consider the key tools of non-material motivation:
Optimizing the workspace. Creating an ergonomic environment encourages employees to come to the office with enthusiasm, which has a positive effect on their productivity.
During the working day, staff can use comfortable dining and rest areas. These spaces are designed for lunch, dinner or short breaks.
The organization shows concern for valuable personnel by providing the opportunity to create a convenient schedule and receive additional free time. Some companies demonstrate flexibility by allowing minor adjustments to working hours without formal approval.
The importance of involvement in the decision-making process is emphasized when a company actively invites employees to participate in the discussion, giving them the opportunity to speak out and thus providing moral incentives for their contribution.
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Alexander Kuleshov
Alexander Kuleshov
General Director of Sales Generator LLC
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