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Differences between employee engagement and loyalty

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 7:11 am
by Maksudasm
Loyalty usually arises in relation to an individual or a company. To earn it, you should treat employees with respect, they should feel your support and empathy. Material incentives (salary, bonus, compensation of expenses, a delicious lunch, etc.) are also used to increase loyalty.

Such measures lead to loyal employees beginning to view themselves as an integral part of the company, which means they:

less likely to quit;

are ready to tolerate “management’s whims” such as late work hours and excessive workloads;

may show understanding and wait a long time for a salary increase.

Loyalty is of great importance in the life of a team, but nevertheless, it cannot be used to achieve significant improvement in economic performance.

Differences between employee line database engagement and loyalty

Often, an employee with such a characteristic may not experience the main thing - involvement. Loyalty means employee satisfaction and a sense of his involvement in the company's affairs, while involvement is a broader concept, implying the employee's personal participation in business development. If the first quality speaks about the feelings that specialists have about their work, the second reflects their dedication to their work and the desire to make their efforts to achieve the desired result.

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Employee Engagement Levels
Employee participation in the organization's activities can be characterized using one of 7 levels of employee engagement:

The highest stage. This is involvement. The employee diligently develops his skills, works with full dedication, and the financial results of his activities significantly exceed the salary.

Loyalty. The specialist copes with all duties and slightly exceeds the norm, but this cannot yet be called full involvement.

Satisfaction. The work is done in full, but the person has no desire to achieve higher results.

Patience. Overall, I don't like the position, but there are no suitable vacancies anywhere else.

Dissatisfaction. The employee performs certain actions that do not present much difficulty, pretends to be busy and plans to change jobs.

Disloyalty. The specialist directly expresses his dissatisfaction, criticizes the established order, enters into conflicts, ignores the duties assigned to him.

Sabotage. The lowest and most negative level. The employee deliberately prevents the plan from being fulfilled and encourages colleagues to do the same.