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What is not advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 6:59 am
by Maksudasm
Now let's define which categories of information are not classified as advertising. Article 2 of the Law "On Advertising" contains a list of types of information that are not of a PR nature. Clarifications have been given on this issue on numerous occasions. The most recent example is the information from the FAS of Russia dated 21.11.2022.

So, the following are not advertising:

reference and informational messages , including, in particular, analytical reviews of the state of the economy, the results of educational events, etc.

Information about products, the mint database publication of which is mandatory. In particular, information published on the Internet resource of the seller or manufacturer.

Reviews of a group of products in blogs. It is believed that such materials are informational in nature. However, if there is a call to buy one of them, a targeted indication of the advantages of certain products, the corresponding creative can be regarded as advertising.

Advertisements from individuals and organizations that do not arise from their business activities. A clear example is services like Avito, Yula, etc., where advertisements for the sale of used items are often posted.

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Organic integration. If the product is mentioned in a literary or scientific work, and such mention is not aimed at attracting increased attention to the product, then it is not advertising. However, such a name cannot be considered organic if it provides a detailed description of the product's properties, an indication of its advantages, or a clearly positive opinion of the blogger about it. In this case, the message can also be regarded as advertising.

Providing the user with search results for a request in the form of links to various Internet resources. Exceptions are also possible here. If individual results are highlighted in a special way in the search results, contain elements that attract increased attention compared to the rest, then this data is considered PR and must be marked with the "Advertisement" mark.

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