Mistakes in planning are inevitable. It is important to see them, react to them in time, eliminate them and transform them into experience.
The strategy is not recognized by its bearer
Such mistakes are mostly found in small businesses, when the owner has his own idea of a particular situation. All his actions are intuitive and spontaneous, and the work of employees to convince the boss is reduced to zero.
The strategy is not synchronized between carriers
A medium-sized or large company is overseas chinese in usa data always a linear arrangement of departments, managers, employees. At each stage, it is important to understand the strategic goals. If the workers have their own vision of the process, and the manager or production manager has another, such a business is not destined to achieve the implementation of plans in long-term development.
The strategy is not formalized, not recorded on paper
Any transaction, agreement, or motive should be formalized on paper. But this is not always feasible in internal processes. If there is understanding in the mind but no actual implementation, the implementation will suffer, that is for sure. Our perception of formalization of all business processes is not sufficiently refined and is practically not applied locally. It is worth thinking about the fact that a document is power.
The strategy contains contradictions
The theory of chasing all hares is absolutely not justified when setting goals and objectives in business. Everyone knows the saying: "If you chase two hares, you will catch neither." It fully reflects the actions of a maximalist manager who loses what he has at the initial stage due to the desire to get everything possible and at once. The essence of any strategy is in its systematicity, concentration on the main thing, and clear isolation of the secondary.
Errors in the operation of the strategic planning system
The strategy is abstract, detached from reality
When planning strategically, you should not waste your energy on general phrases such as: "Comprehensive efficiency", "Leadership in the production market", "Standardized indicators", and so on. In each link there will be people for whom these concepts are not unambiguous and they interpret these terms in their own way. It is better to prescribe actions, making them as specific as possible.
The strategy is unknown to employees
The strategy exists, it has been created, documented, but the goals have not been set. The developers are happy, but the employees are not aware of the events. When the time comes to ask about strategic plans, you will hear a friendly silence in response, bewilderment in the eyes, and misunderstanding in the thoughts. In essence, the work has been done in vain, in vain, with a loss of time. Hence the problems. After the plans have been formed, it is imperative to familiarize your employees with them, explain unclear aspects, laying out all the stages on the shelves. Only in this case, subject to acceptance and full understanding by all team members, will the company's activities move forward.
The strategy is not clear to employees
In this case, it is important to properly present the strategy to the employee so that he reads it, understands it, and comprehends it. The key role here is played by the structuring of the document. There is no need to oblige anyone to memorize the entire strategy. It is enough for everyone to study and understand the general goals and their tasks. A large amount of information will only push employees away from the long-term plan.