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Do you know what your company's digital performance indicators are?

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 3:41 am
by shukla7789
By id5

In the days of offline campaigns, how were your brand's performance indicators assessed? Do you know what these indicators were? Don't worry if these questions don't have answers, because today they don't make much of a difference. In fact, digital marketing came to optimize agency routines and also present accurate and real-time results for companies that invest in the internet.

Performance indicators are metrics specific to the overseas chinese in canada data used. For example, if your Facebook campaign aims to sell a specific product from your store, your performance indicator could be the click on the link or conversion. In this case, it will depend on the objective set. What does not change in any digital campaign is the need for monitoring. Knowing how to take advantage of the full measurement potential of the media and thus maintain investments in the channels that bring a better return. Let's suppose that your campaign gets a higher number of sales from the Google Adwords campaign, then it is worth injecting more funds into this channel, in addition to seeking improvements in other platforms, such as changing the creative in Facebook ads or Display Network campaigns.

For indicators to be relevant, they must be measured by marketing experts. To facilitate this measurement, choose a key indicator that is simple to monitor and easy for the entire team to understand. Compare indicators. They need to be measured frequently and, in case of errors, corrected even while the process is ongoing, as well as taking advantage of opportunities to increase return on investment, the famous ROI. Another recommended practice is to analyze data from current marketing campaigns and compare them with previous actions.


It is worth noting that metrics are appropriate for each situation. You need to plan and define what best meets your company's specific needs. Check out some metrics that can be measured in your projects:

Website: First of all, your website should display mobile-friendly content, such as addresses and maps of physical points of sale. Also, make sure that phone numbers can be clicked and dialed on your customer's smartphones. Other metrics on your website to pay attention to: number of visits; people who registered on your page (leads); conversion rate of visitors to registered users. For e-commerce: number of transactions; average ticket and pages with a high abandonment rate, these can indicate usability problems.

Social Networks*: On other social networks, you should monitor the increase in followers as long as it is associated with a change in your page and/or a new promotion on the channel. However, pay attention to Engagement and work as a percentage. Take the average number of likes and comments on each post and divide it by the number of followers. The value found is your engagement percentage.

Email Marketing: The most commonly used metrics for this tool are: open rate; click-through rate (CTR); conversion rate; and deletion rate. Check if the links are clickable and always perform an A/B test (A/B testing promotes two different versions of a communication to see which one performs better) by swapping the buttons around, changing colors, and other details. If the deletion rate is high, personalize the content and send it according to the interests of your audience.

Don't waste your time and money on misguided investments. Want to know how to get results from your digital marketing actions? Talk to a consultant.