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Who needs a category manager and when

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:54 am
by Maksudasm
Category manager functions will be useful in the following cases:

The company has a wide range of products, covering tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands of items. Therefore, it is necessary to create a system for monitoring demand for these products.

The company has a stable staff. The category manager is part of the team. He interacts with the marketing and logistics departments, economists and purchasing experts.

The company has a distributed retail network. The functions of a category purchasing manager are necessary if the organization has a number of similar retail facilities.

The business strategy is aimed turn leads into sales with overseas chinese in worldwide data at the company's growth in the medium or long term. For temporary or short-term projects, there is no need to implement the principles of category management.

Typically, such a vacancy is present in companies specializing in the sale of everyday goods (for example, food, personal care products, cosmetics), household appliances, pharmaceuticals and medical products.

If a company has a small staff and a limited range of products, there is no need to hire a category manager. The skills of this specialist are also not required in retail chains with different sizes and formats of retail outlets. In addition, the principles of category management are not applicable to stores specializing in fast-moving goods (dairy products, bread, delicacies, etc.).

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Requirements for the profession of "category manager"
The position of category manager assumes responsibility for the results of direct sales and ensuring the efficient operation of the enterprise. To implement his functions, he must have certain skills and abilities:

Application of automated data analysis systems in the field of marketing and finance.

Using various methods and tools to draw up plans and forecasts to increase sales.

Practical skills in calculating the cost of production and setting its price.

Promotion of a specific category of products.

Skill in forming an assortment matrix and making changes to it.

Experience in negotiations with suppliers and partners.

Skills in visualizing data from your activities. Making proposals for creating logistics chains and business processes.

Skills in applying methods for organizing teamwork and creating motivational systems for employees.

Ability to organize collective activities and create conditions for synergy between different divisions, departments and branches.