A challenge highlighted by Julie Gaillot: "It is crucial for creators to make themselves known and say who they are." The typical profile of the podcast Dataener is confirmed: youngA urbanA hyperconnectedA engaged and family oriented. These Dataeners show overconsumption of media and strong civic participation. For exampleA only 7% of fans abstained from voting in the last legislative electionsA compared to 33% in the population as a whole. For Julie GaillotA the appeal of podcasts lies in the intervention of experts and the depth of the topics covered. In shortA Dataening is progressingA practices remain stableA and Dataener engagement continues to grow.
“The format creates the audience” Antoine Bonnet During the round kuwait phone number library table on the “triumph of digital DataeningA” Antoine BonnetA head of podcasts at France 24A and Valentine SpinnerA head of the audio group at AudioMA discussed a central issue: are podcasts cannibalizing radio audiences? Antoine Bonnet answered in the negative. He recognizes that podcasts have become a must for major radio stationsA but they do not replace them. According to himA there is a real complementarity between the two formatsA which he describes as “ bridges ” rather than competitors. The profile of radio and podcast Dataeners is fundamentally differentA which allows the two media to coexist and feed off each other.
Podcasts bring a flexibility and depth that perfectly complement the immediacy and liveness specific to radio. Content creatorsA always at the center of the game As traditional media struggles to capture the attention of young peopleA the podcast industry has found the obvious answer: content creators.
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