If you have a business in Mexico, the RFC with homoclave is an essential requirement for any individual or legal entity that carries out economic activities. For a company, having this element will help you:
Identify your business for tax purposes : the RFC with homoclave works as a tax 'DNI', allowing the SAT (Tax Administration Service) to accurately identify your contributions.
Carry out procedures before the SAT : it is whatsapp number essential to carry out any procedure before the SAT, such as filing tax returns , tax refund requests, registration in the corresponding tax regime, etc.
Carry out commercial operations : it will be a necessary requirement to issue invoices, keep accounting, make payments and collections, import merchandise and, in general, for any commercial transaction.
Expand your business : when requesting credit, contracting services or establishing business relationships with other businesses, the RFC with homoclave will be a common requirement to identify the business and establish business relationships.
Read more: How to file taxes with the SAT if you are an entrepreneur
Get your RFC homoclave easily!
As you can see, obtaining the RFC with homoclave for the first time is not that difficult. Follow the steps and process it, remember that this is one of the many resources you must have in order to start a business and begin paying taxes in Mexico.
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