What is a simple electronic signature?

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What is a simple electronic signature?

Post by nurmohammadkhan »

choosing the right electronic signature webinar

The simple electronic signature (FES), as its name suggests, is the least complex brazil whatsapp resource and articulated type of electronic signature. While other electronic signature solutions must necessarily include elements that are well-defined by law, such as mandatory identification of the signatory, insurance coverage or, in the case of digital signatures, the use of cryptographic keys, the simple electronic signature does not require any of these. The simple electronic signature complies with the principle of technological neutrality , which means that, from a technological point of view, FES solutions can take on the most diverse forms and characteristics.

The FES falls within the more general definition of electronic signature, which we can find in the eIDAS regulation and which describes the electronic signature as “a set of data in electronic form, enclosed or connected by logical association to other electronic data and used by the signatory to sign”. In practice, a simple electronic signature, in its most basic form, usually consists of a pair of credentials (username + password), just like those we use to access our email or a personal account, and point&click solutions.

And in fact, on more than one occasion it has been reaffirmed by a certain jurisprudential orientation precisely the fact that a communication sent via email can be considered as signed with a simple signature: this is what was affirmed, for example, by sentence no. 858 of 15 December 2003, issued by the Court of Cuneo.
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