Edit contact form
You can add new form fields from the left column, edit or delete existing fields, or rearrange fields by moving them up or down.
Once you are satisfied with the form, you can click the Save button to store the form and exit the form builder.
For more details, check out our tutorial on how to kenya phone number create a contact form in WordPress.
You can now add this module to any WordPress post or page. Just change the page you want the form to appear on.
In the Block Editor, click the Add Block (+) button in the upper left corner of the screen to open the block menu.
Select a form from the dropdown menu in a WPForms block
In the WPForms block settings, you need to click on the drop-down menu to select the form you created earlier. WPForms will display a preview of the form in the content area.
Now you can save the post or page and preview it to see the form in action.
View user journey reports for forms in WordPress
After some users submit your form, you can view a user journey report for all form entries.
To do this, visit the WPForms Posts page from the WordPress admin area and click on the form you created earlier.
Select the table you want to view
This will take you to the Inserts page where you can find a list of module entries sent by the user.
From here, just click the "View" link next to the form entry to see all the details.
View form entries