3. How do you think this type of strategy will evolve? What trends do you consider key for next year?

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3. How do you think this type of strategy will evolve? What trends do you consider key for next year?

Post by Bappy10 »

The digital acceleration following the pandemic has opened up new avenues for debate in the advertising industry. New platforms and options emerge almost daily to provide solutions to the great challenge posed by digitalisation. Especially in the marketing and advertising industry, where concepts such as “cookies”, “leads” or “multichannel” play a central role in our strategies.

Companies like Peach make this complexity clearer through advertising distribution. The company has managed to get advertisers, agencies and producers to trust Peach and at MarketingDirecto.com we wanted to give a voice to this business and learn about the current challenges that the company faces. To do so, Mariya Dimitrova Yordanova , Country Sales Manager of Peach, has answered our questions.

What differences do you find in today's market compared to 5 or 10 years ago?
From the point of view of managing advertising creativity, if we go back about ten years, we can find important differences. Some advertisers still send their advertising spots on tapes to television channels, the process was not yet completely digitalized. On the other hand, digital advertising was in the beginning of its exponential growth, and many stopped doubting its future, but there was still some skepticism about the magnitude it could reach.

About five years ago, all doubts about the importance of digital advertising were already amply cleared, and it was part of every media plan that was drawn up. Today, more and more digital platforms and technology are emerging, programmatic buying is increasingly used, and the sector is becoming more fragmented and complex.

While the process of working with creative advertising for television is fully automated and optimized, the digital sector has been left behind . This produces a paradox that I find particularly curious: linear advertising is more digitalized and automated than digital advertising itself.

2. The media strategy of a campaign is complex due to the number of platforms that exist. How does Peach help this process?

That's right, a TV spot is distributed, on average, to about four destinations, while the distribution of the same spot on digital is crazy, since it can have three times as many destinations. The time taken to deliver a spot from post-production to broadcast on TV is 4 hours (with plenty of time to review the spots and make any unforeseen adjustments). Even if we extend this timing to 24 hours, it is still a practically immediate process compared to digital where there is little automation and it can easily take between one and two weeks . If we focus on video creatives alone, the complexity comes not only from the number of platforms where the spot must be distributed, but also from the technical specifications that each of them requires to be able to broadcast it. Specifications that are collected and managed manually . And we haven't even gone into the details that once the technical specifications of each medium where our spot has to go are clarified, and the different versions of it are ready, we enter a cycle of emails, calls, WhatsApps, wetransfers, ydrays, FTPs... whatever we have been thinking of along the way in order to get the spot to broadcast.

These manual processes are becoming a nightmare for post-production companies, creative and media agencies. And brands that need to supervise what happens with the creatives of their campaigns literally end up having an impossible mission. At the end of the day, we have delayed media plans that negatively affect ROI and brands end up paying for everything. At Peach we want to provide the market with a tool that allows professionals in the sector to collaborate and do their work quickly, effortlessly, and in the most efficient way possible. It is totally ridiculous to continue maintaining manual processes now that there is a tool on the market that can automate them. At Peach, advertising spots can be sent simultaneously to linear and digital destinations , in a matter of hours.

COVID forced digitalization at all levels: consumption, work, advertising… Audiences are on digital platforms and linear channels are struggling to reach the same volumes they handled years ago. The logical thing would be to keep growing. luxembourg number data To keep growing towards more digital platforms, and broader media plans. The question would be, can our teams handle more without automation? I am convinced that the answer for everyone is no. That is why we are trying to eliminate manual processes and provide efficiency through automation. As a collaborative platform, everyone has “a seat” in Peach: post-production companies, creative agencies, media agencies, brands, social media agencies, freelancers who are responsible for a small part of the process… Everyone involved in the process of activating the advertising campaign will be able to do their part of the work and coordinate with the rest. During one of my meetings presenting the new features, the client said: “Wow, Peach is 2.0 compared to other platforms on the market , it’s amazing!”

4. Digital creative management processes are often slow, how do you approach this challenge at Peach?

Unfortunately, that is the case, and we have set out to solve this problem. Collaboration between teams is key to this, having everything (linear and digital) on the same platform is also key , and technology allows us to automate processes. The first step would be to have all the creatives uploaded on the same platform. In this way, if something is missing, it is easy to see it and notify the person in charge to correct it. Having all the creatives in the library frees us from expired links that are usually a very common barrier in the distribution process. Peach never deletes anything, once the creatives are uploaded they are available forever . You can easily locate your creatives, campaigns, collaborators with the Peach search engine to save time. When uploading commercials to Peach, the platform runs detailed quality control in less than a couple of minutes, and from a high-resolution file it automatically makes adaptations for any destination you want to distribute the creative to. As you can see, we have eliminated the compilation of specifications and the manual adaptation of the material from the process so that it does not take more than a few minutes. I could go on with more automations that we have introduced, the list is long…
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