The average consumption in minutes is higher on Connected TV (

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The average consumption in minutes is higher on Connected TV (

Post by Bappy10 »

With the aim of analysing the habits of Spaniards when it comes to watching television, IAB Spain has today presented the Connected Television Study 2022 , prepared by Elogia and sponsored by Kantar and Konodrac . The study analyses different key aspects of Connected TV, such as its consumption by users, opportunities for the advertising business or the penetration of Smart TV in Spanish homes.

The research is based on the results of surveys conducted with 1,000 Internet users aged 16 to 75 and 215 professionals in the sector between April and May.

Before proceeding to the analysis, the study specifies what connected television is. These are audiovisual content services that are accessed via the Internet, either through a Smart TV or through an analogue television connected to a device . In this regard, IAB Spain points out that 82% of Internet users access audiovisual TV content via the Internet regardless of the access device (Smart TV or other devices), which represents 27.4 million individuals in Spain.

The main conclusions of this research include data such as, for example, the penetration rate among young people, which is 87% between 16 and 30 years old, and 85% in the case of those between 31 and 50 years old.

As for the chosen device, 49% access Connected TV with a device other than the Smart TV (Set Top Box, Smartphone, Laptop/Desktop, Console or Tablet).

Comparing connected TV users and so-called “traditional” TV users, the study found that connected TV users have an average of 2.3 40-inch TVs at home , while non-connected TV users have fewer (1.9) and smaller (37.8-inch) TVs.

What content do we watch and for how long?
News consumption is similar between Connected TV users and non-users. The former oman number data consume, above all, films, foreign and national series, sports and live events . As for the company, both targets watch television with other adults (those aged 31 to 50 and 51 to 75 stand out), dedicating, in the majority, 1 to 3 hours.
138 minutes) than on Non-Connected TV (124 minutes). The preferred time for consumption is prime time , regardless of the profile and device. In addition, the times chosen are the same for both types of users: before going to bed, during dinner and during lunch.

Dual screen is a reality for both Connected TV users and non-Connected TV users, but the former use other devices to a greater extent when watching television. 55% of Connected TV users versus 38% of Non-Connected TV users do so, with the Smartphone being the device of choice for both.

If we look at OTT platforms, the most used are Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, HBO, Disney+, Movistar Plus+, AtresPlayer and Mitele, the first of which is the most popular choice among all types of consumers. YouTube (88%) and Mitele (81%) are the Connected TV platforms where the most advertising is consumed, and YouTube is positioned as the platform where users would be most willing to watch advertising in exchange for certain advantages (69%).
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