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Formal Violations, Reductions for Those Who Correct Errors by Fall 2023

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:46 am
by nrumohammadx1
But, as mentioned at the beginning, the provision just issued also offers the possibility of benefiting from further reductions, in the presence of certain conditions and provided that the VAT taxable person takes action to regularize their position by 31 March 2023.

Let's see below when and how it is possible to take advantage of these benefits.

Incorporating some of the provisions contained in the 2023 Budget Law (L. 197/2022) and which fall within what is known as the “fiscal truce”, the Agency’s provision allows for concessions and reduced sanctions in certain circumstances. Furthermore, according to a recent press release from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers , the provisions contained in the so-called Bollette Decree postpone the terms for benefiting from the concessions.

In particular, it is stated in the provision based on the provision and the communicated extension :

With reference to formal violations committed by 31 October 2022 , and those indonesia whatsapp resource preliminary to violations concerning validly submitted declarations relating to the tax period in progress on 31 December 2021 and previous tax periods, taxpayers will be able to benefit from the penalty reductions provided for by art. 1 of the 2023 Budget Law, if they regularize the anomalies by 31 October 2023. Specifically, the reference is to paragraphs 166 to 173 of the Budget Law, which provide for the possibility of regularizing one's position by paying the sum of 200 euros for each tax period to which the violations refer . Payment may be made in two installments of equal amount, the first to be paid by 31 October 2023, the second by 31 March 2024. However, in addition to paying the penalty, the taxpayer must also remove the irregularities or omissions found. We remind you that formal violations include those that do not contribute to determining the tax base and, therefore, do not affect the payment of taxes.

With reference to substantial violations, the Agency's provision refers to paragraphs 174 to 178 of the 2023 Budget Law. Also in this case, for those substantial violations that refer to correctly submitted declarations in relation to the tax period in progress on 31 December 2021 and previous ones, it is possible to benefit from a reduction in penalties, according to what has been indicated as "special voluntary disclosure". If this case applies, the amount due can be paid in 8 quarterly installments, the first of which always expires on 30 September 2023. In addition to the extension, the terms of access to the special voluntary disclosure are also modified, for which violations detectable during the automatic check of income tax returns and VAT returns are excluded , as well as those definable through the regularization of formal violations.

The full text of provision 61196/2023 is available on the Revenue Agency website. We refer you to its reading and to the 2023 Budget Law to consult the details of the provisions introduced.