Approaching a major account is far from easy and can be telegram data time-consuming if you go about it the wrong way. The most important thing to avoid wasting time is to contact the right person. Most of the time, your only way to contact a company will be to go through the switchboard, a serious barrier. And most of the time, it is difficult to get past this step because the assistant will not want to disturb their superior. You will have to convince them that your product/service could really interest their boss. At this level, the best way is to maintain an excellent relationship with this person. With a little tenacity, this will lead to an initial interview with their superior.
Another approach is to attend trade shows or conferences that your target audience attends. Find out beforehand what type of people attend and how many attendees there are. The more people you have, the more likely you are to network and find potential new key accounts. It can be a good idea to sponsor these events to give yourself some exposure and credibility. If your area of expertise fits perfectly with the theme of the conference, you can ask the organizers about presenting a topic on stage. This is a great way to get your company noticed and build credibility with your audience. If your presentation is successful, decision-makers will be looking to connect with you.
You should obviously follow up with the contacts you have gleaned after the event.
The ultimate way
Finally, one last way is to use your network. Participating in networking events is as good for meeting decision-makers in your target as it is for expanding your network. The larger and more qualified your network is, the more entry points you will have to contact the company of your choice. Indeed, your network will be able to introduce you to someone in the company you are trying to contact, who in turn will be able to introduce you to the right decision-maker. That said, networking does not mean giving your business card to as many people as possible. You have to prioritize quality over quantity and maintain your network to keep ties and make it useful to you.