At Web Positioning Salamanca we know that every company, large or small, needs to have exchanges of ideas between its managers, CEOs, employees and workers, that is why we want to talk to you about how to have more effective meetings . Many people believe that these are a waste of time, and in reality they can be. A well-conducted 5-minute meeting of this type can be very productive, but if it is not, it can mean a delay in work and no progress on pending projects.
Some facts about the meetings
As meetings are an important part of any company, today we have compiled some general information about them. They have their pros and cons. The basic thing is to follow our advice to make the best use of your time and that of your employees:
Professionals have 62 meetings a month, most of which are wasted time.
Assuming that each meeting lasts 1 hour, that's 30-31 hours per month , which colombia telegram phone numbers four days of work lost in meetings.
95% of employees arrive late, have to leave early, or at some point, so they miss part of the meeting.
91% of people daydream during meetings, meaning their mind is somewhere else.
73% of people do other work while in a meeting.
On average a meeting lasts 45 minutes, and has 4.3 participants.
Today's meetings are not just face-to-face, they can be accessed from computers, conference rooms, phones and even smartphones.
Most meetings take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Half of all meetings are considered wasted time .
Meetings serve the company :
80% of meetings serve to share key information.
64% help solve problems with brainstorming.
57% serves to build relationships.
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In short, meetings are very important for companies, but as long as they are carried out effectively, in the best way to get the most out of them.
9 ways to have more effective meetings
Set an agenda :
Having a clear agenda with specific goals is seen as a way to master the art of meetings. Circulating a defined agenda to all attendees will help them be prepared for what will happen. Try to always stay on plan, but always keep an open mind to contributions and brainstorming.
Some recommend sending this agenda 24 hours in advance, so that people can arrive more prepared.
Assign a leader :
The meeting should be called and led by someone who inspires respect and trust in the rest of the workers. This leader should be in charge of the agenda and of doing everything possible to ensure that it is fulfilled.
Device-free :
Try to keep the meeting device-free, so you can leave distractions aside. Why? Because between emails, texts, and calls, employees will have plenty of distractions at hand. That's why, unless it's strictly necessary for work, everyone should leave their smartphones on silent, at the desk, or in their pocket.
4-7 meeting attendees:
Keep meetings to 4-7 attendees; too many people can complicate things and make these meetings unproductive. It takes a lot of finesse when sending out agendas, but only invite those who can make important contributions, depending on how they work, their job titles, and their commitment. Determine who really needs to attend.