13 important changes in Google ADWORDS and online advertising

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13 important changes in Google ADWORDS and online advertising

Post by pappu6327 »

Google Adwords remains the preferred online advertising platform for millions of companies. Investment is not decreasing, it is growing. In this post we will update you on the latest changes, new features, future segmentations and updates that have affected both SEO and SEM this past year.

If you have a business or are considering starting one, it will be very useful for you to know how to better configure your campaigns and if you want to go a step further and have the Official Google Adwords Certificate, take a look at the Google Adwords course that we have at Aula CM, which is also available online .

large-icon-3-64Summary of 2016 in Google Adwords and what is changing in 2017

1. Mobile-friendly setup
The statistics agree: the mobile is the device that has grown the most in recent years. Will the day come when we no longer use computers? Who knows. What we do know is that Google has made efforts to improve everything that has to do with the configuration and segmentation towards these devices.

In 2016, mobile was the main device for paid searches internationally, already reaching 60% of searches armenia telegram lead the US, one of the main indicators for consumption and e-commerce.

From a technical point of view, the change is in the adjustment of campaign bids. We can now increase or decrease a percentage of the bid for mobile , desktop or tablet separately.

mobile device optimization google adwords
Adjustment from the Google Adwords Device Report

The adjustment is not mandatory, a natural evolution is possible, but it is advisable. Ideally, you should adjust it according to your objectives once you have representative statistics from the Device Report . In some cases, you can be clear about it from the beginning if you know beforehand that you are only interested in showing yourself to users wherever they are or if it is a mobile service.

2. Ads disappear from the right sidebar
google adwords 2016In February 2016, Google surprised everyone by leaving the right sidebar of its browser free of ads . Where 8 sponsored links used to be displayed, we now have 7 at most, all on the main page but actually in two categories: 4 sponsored links at the top and 2-3 at the bottom. And in the middle of all of this, the desired organic links.

This has changed the SEM landscape and although the situation is now stabilizing, some have suffered changes in the average position of their ads. According to Google, the change is due to an improvement in the user experience with the search engine and also to equalize the number of ads on all devices. They came to the conclusion that the ads on the right did not generate clicks and were unnecessary.

Other interpretations have been emerging among advertisers, bloggers and online AdWords communities. Along with Google's usability, some link the change to a new section that could perhaps be occupied by YouTube videos or more prominence for Shopping on computers, who knows? We'll have to see what happens this year.

This Moz Eye Tracking study shows how users' eye behavior has evolved from 2015 to 2014, I recommend taking a look.

Negative consequences
Decline in click-through rate
Loss of positions
Greater competition, which in many cases leads to increased costs.

3. The ETA advertising revolution
As a consequence of the previous point, Google surprised us again in mid-2016, in July, with the new expanded text ads (ETA) of the Adwords Search Network. It is possibly the most important change if we take into account that we had been using the standard format for more than 15 years. It is a change for the better that everyone is happy with. By including more information, the probability of getting interested traffic increases. The new ads have:

2 Titles, each 30 characters long
A visible URL plus two paths, each 15 characters long
An 80-character description
Expanded Text Ads

The transition to expanded ads is still a pending task for some. If this is your case, do something about it as soon as possible because the old ones are going to disappear. Google has been insisting for months through notifications that as of January 31 , 2017, it will not be possible to edit or add standard ads.
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