Allows you to pin a phrase

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Allows you to pin a phrase

Post by jarinislamfatema »

In Yandex.Direct - minus words . Used when debugging a campaign for high-frequency queries. The more accurately the minus words are specified, the better the quality of the traffic will be. "!" (exclamation). This operator fixes the word form in the query. The phrase "+for! summer! vacation" will display an ad for the search "for summer vacation", "places for summer vacation", but will not be broadcast for "where to go on summer vacation". "" (quotation marks).

Display occurs only for it, in any word form. "()" (brackets). This operator qatar cell phone number list can be used to combine several similar keys into one group. All of them are written inside brackets using the "|" sign. For example, "acoustic guitar (Cort|Yamaha|Trembita). Conversion on such phrases is lower due to irrelevance. "[]" (square brackets). In this case, the operator will help to fix the necessary word order. When searching for "airplane Kyiv-Warsaw", the announcements "Warsaw-Kyiv" will also be broadcast.

Using square brackets "airplane [Kyiv-Warsaw]" will exclude this option. Creating a text advertising message Working on the title The title in the advertisement is the first thing the user sees in the advertisement. There are many methods of composing a conversion title, but when working in Yandex.Direct, you should not use them blindly. The more the title of the advertising text corresponds to the search topic, the higher the clickability will be. If finances allow, it is advisable to create text ads for each key in the list.
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