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Leads: what they are and how to generate them

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:20 am
by muskanislam44
Anyone who works in sales, especially in the internet sector, has probably heard the term “lead”. Lead is a term used in digital marketing and is directly related to the customer’s purchasing journey. We can associate this concept with an individual who is a potential customer.

But it is not just “a potential customer”. The Lead is interested in buying and, at the same time, has the ability to buy: purchasing power, appropriate timing, needs related to the product or service, etc.

Consider, for example, a Landing Page where people can access all the details and information about a given product or service. This channel has a space where visitors can leave their details to receive more information and even e-books about the products. But they will also receive contact details from the company's sales representatives.

landing page leads conversion

Initially, everyone who submitted data to the spaces will be whatsapp netherlands considered a prospect , that is, a person interested in purchasing, or at least finding out more about the product.

However, in one of the spaces that the customer must fill in there is a question that qualifies or disqualifies them for the customer scale; it could be their professional class, purchasing power, whether or not they need the product, etc. This question is at the company's discretion.

If my product is intended, for example, only for doctors, people who are not doctors can and should have access to the company's content , but they should not compromise the work of salespeople to contact them.

How to Get More Leads
One of the main objectives of Digital Marketing is to obtain leads that can be converted into sales. There are a number of tools that can be used for this purpose. One of them has already been mentioned above: creating landing pages .

Once a person becomes a lead, there may still be a long negotiation process before the deal is closed. This negotiation is usually divided into three phases:

top (client knows the needs, but has not yet chosen a product)
middle (customer knows their needs and likes your brand, but is undecided about purchasing the product)
background (customer decides to buy the product. All that is needed is to actually close the sale)
Strategies are then defined according to each customer's purchasing moment and decision.

For example, you can maintain a blog with content that is relevant to consumers, which we call content marketing . Or, you can sponsor links on Google and social media so that more people have access to your websites and, through other integrated actions, convert them into leads.