Another way to engage loyalty members is through campaigns.

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Another way to engage loyalty members is through campaigns.

Post by robiulhasan »

Brands can create exclusive games, rewards, and even exclusive products which are only available if you are a member in their loyalty program or have reached a certain tier.

Starbucks makes regular use of these lifecycle management technique. Below is an annual experience they run for their "Starbucks Rewards Members", called Starbucks for Life.

Starbucks uses experiences like these to move customers into th cell phone database eir loyalty program. Above is an email sent out to subscribers. Non-members are invited to join the loyalty program for their chance to win numerous prizes, the grand prize being Starbucks for Life.

Next Steps...
This guide covered numerous examples of customer lifecycle management.

The next step is to begin implementing these tactics in your own business. Namely, connect your data in one place, identify important customer segments, and use personalization technology to trigger messages as customers into into and out of your customer stages.

Barilliance helps hundreds of eCommerce stores trigger personalized messages across the customer lifecycle. To see if Barilliance is a good personalization partner for you, request a demo here.
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