That forces me to have more coffee

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That forces me to have more coffee

Post by suchona.kan.iz »

When considering how to create a b2b website (that works…) the first step has to be knowing and experiencing first-hand the challenges of your clients. If my website prompts me to ask my clients this question on a regular basis, then the website is definitely working.

Start with clear ideas about who I want to help and who I can help philippine phone number lookup the most, and therefore some good B2B segmentation and B2B Voice of Customer exercises will help you.


From there, you should get to know your client's day-to-day problems and needs, but not with you, but with their clients, with their market. Find out about their relationship with their client and how their competitors (not yours) propose other ways to solve your client's client's problems.

Knowing your client better and how they reached you will help you connect your website better with search engines through SEO and SEM techniques.

Adapt to the moment; before, during and after the purchase.
Differentiate moments because a potential future client does not expect the same help as a client who is just starting out with you.
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