Advertising agency mistakes – incomprehensible reports that do not lead to anything

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Advertising agency mistakes – incomprehensible reports that do not lead to anything

Post by sumaiyakhatun26 »

As a client, you are interested in a summary of how the agency's activities translated into designated KPIs, e.g. increased sales.

Instead, you get an Excel sheet with a million columns and try to understand the difference between CTR (All) and CTR (Link).

Or you'll click through 20 pages of a PowerPoint presentation where the only meat is three screenshots of Google Analytics that would take you a minute to get to.

There are also situations where the agency… manipulates the results. That’s why it’s south africa rcs data good to ask for screenshots from Ads Manager, Google Analytics, etc. from time to time (or check this data yourself). As I said, I don’t want to talk about unfair practices.

The report should include only data that is essential to understanding the situation.

Sometimes it will be 5 digits, other times 50. In addition, the raw data does not tell us anything. It requires discussion. Therefore, in addition to the report, it is worth arranging a short call to discuss it and determine the next steps.

Especially since sometimes everything looks beautiful in the report, but in the meantime business is not flourishing at all.

For example, we work with two agencies and each of them shows that their activities have a greater impact on sales in the online store.

Who is right? Most likely both. Only because we have not agreed on how we will account for and interpret the individual indicators. Which leads to the next point.
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