Amount of aid from the Digital Kit

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Amount of aid from the Digital Kit

Post by mostfiz67 »

Press the microphone button to enable or disable it
Press the microphone button to enable or disable it
To finish recording, press the “stop” button.
To end the recording press the “stop” button
Step 4 Finish recording
Automatically, when you finish recording , the malaysia phone number example message “ Game clip recorded ” will be displayed , which means you can now view the result. Tap the notification or press Windows + “G” again to open the Xbox Game Bar.
The Digital Kit Program to help companies boost their digital transformation is already underway. Endowed with 3 billion euros from the European NextGeneration funds, this Program consists of several calls, depending on the number of employees that companies have, grouped into 3 segments:

Segment I – for SMEs with more than 10 and less than 50 employees.
Segment II – for medium-sized companies with 3 and less than 10 employees.
Segment III – for micro-SMEs and self-employed persons with fewer than 3 employees.
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What can these grants be used for?
Invest the Digital Kit in accounting and management software
What aspects should a company consider to improve its accounting management?
Amount of aid from the Digital Kit
Each call for applications has a total amount, which is distributed individually, depending on the segment to which each business corresponds. Companies in Segment I are eligible for up to 12,000 euros, those in Segment II, up to 6,000 euros and, finally, micro-SMEs and self-employed workers can enjoy up to 2,000 euros in the form of a “digital voucher”.
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