5 creative ways to recruit on social media.

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5 creative ways to recruit on social media.

Post by mk8844741 »

Many companies fail to leverage the full potential of social media for social recruiting, missing out on numerous tools they don’t use. To help you avoid the same mistake, we’ve put together a concise list of five innovative ways to creatively use social media for your recruitment marketing strategy , regardless of whether you’re an established healthcare provider or a startup.

Social media for recruitment marketing
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1. Start with your employees.
Social media is all about building a healthy network around your brand. If you want to use social media as a recruiting tool , it’s best to start with your employees.

Your employees are the perfect starting point for recruitment marketing cellphone number philippines format Since they already work for you, they probably bring something valuable to the table. Chances are, they have like-minded people in their social media circles who share their interests, work in the same industry, and have similar motivations and goals.


If you want to reach these people, the easiest way is to connect with them through your employees. Social media is designed to show you who you follow and who you connect with. Over time, your employees' connections will see you interact with their social media activity, slowly increasing your reach.

If you can get your employees to interact with your social media activity, it will be even better than just logging in. Little things like a like or a comment can go a long way over time!

2. Boost brand awareness.
Of all the marketing tools, social media is probably the best for building brand awareness . The freedom to express yourself on social media allows your audience to understand what your brand stands for.

Social media is one of the only platforms where you can freely share content about your company’s day-to-day life – the inside of the offices, employees having fun, or even highlights from events. The possibilities are endless compared to other marketing tools.

Your social media content should focus on your company’s rewarding and competitive moments and teamwork highlights. It’s all about showing potential candidates the culture they should expect today.

Don’t forget to include CTAs . Even though this is recruitment marketing, CTAs are as important and effective as ever in social media posts.

3. Use memes!
Wendy's pioneered a meme-based marketing strategy and it did wonders for its popularity. Right now, Wendy's social media may be more popular than the restaurant itself, especially among younger generations.

Following Wendy’s example, using memes for your social media is just as effective for recruitment marketing. This strategy is even more effective if your ideal candidates for a given position are typically younger. It’s simple: you’re adapting your marketing language to one that your target audience can relate to. If you speak their language, they’re much more likely to consider working for you.

Plus, people who like memes are more likely to engage with them than other content. Social media is the birthplace and home of memes, so posting one is the most natural thing for an account to do. Users will feel much more comfortable liking or sharing a meme than a serious, well-written, corporate tweet from the hiring team.

It's good for branding and engagement, and it'll be fun for your social media manager. It's a no-brainer.

4. Engage with people.
One of the biggest problems in recruiting is the lines of communication between companies and candidates. Communication is slow and candidates often feel anxious and helpless during the process.

Social media is one place where some of these fears can be addressed. Social media platforms allow for streamlined communication between anyone in ways that email lists or career sites never could. So take advantage of that and interact with people online. If someone posts a question on your tweet, respond! If someone shares your post with a funny joke, respond!

The point is to show users and potential candidates that you are open and available to communicate. Even if this level of communication doesn't translate to job applications, it will give candidates a good impression of you. This will make them more willing to apply.

You can even go beyond communication and engage in more practical recruitment processes on social media. More and more companies are reaching out directly to candidates on social media (and not just on LinkedIn!). It’s becoming more common to see job postings or interviews arranged through social media. And it makes sense: these platforms give you direct access to candidates and allow you to be proactive in your recruitment strategy.

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