I have a team that helps me, that helps me stay on track, that helps me. Now I interview french email address list all of my guests, all my pre-guests. I come up with all my own outlines and everything because that’s super important to me. But when it comes to creating social cards and snippets and getting it on Instagram and TikTok and LinkedIn, you know I have help for that because I can’t do that and do all of the other things that are important. So, I think coming up with a strategy to find resources to outsource is really important as well.

TaQuanyia: That makes sense, and you know, along with that topic, do you have any suggestions on how a brand can maintain a consistent amount of content production? Because, as you said, you know, you have a small team. They’re able to help you. They’re able to, obviously, help you scale. What in your opinion, would be the best practices to produce a consistent amount of content? Brianna: Yeah. Every quarter, at the beginning of the quarter, sit down with your team and outline the content that you want to create that quarter.