This is what we often look for, but when push comes to shove, it doesn't happen. We often end up sacrificing one of the three criteria. In the world of digital marketing (and many others), we could put it like this: I want something that works well, is fast, and is free.
We live in a fast-paced world that we pass through without even thinking about it. We want everything now, for free and with the best quality. Behind this are our fears, the need to move quickly to get income in our business, the lack of training and experience… an explosive cocktail.
This happens at almost all levels of digital
telegram usa number maturity. The higher the level of maturity, the fewer mistakes we make in this regard, but no one is exempt.
Our haste clashes with reality. To achieve results we have to prepare ourselves and this takes time and effort. Contrary to what we are constantly being sold.
Or things as brutal as what I saw a while ago: “ 3 growth hacking strategies to quadruple your blog traffic without using SEO ” (from Pro Blogger).
These needs and value propositions feed such buoyant sectors as the infoproducts sector , which I have already talked about in this blog. Of course, there are great professionals who do a great job, but the vast majority are just selling smoke . They offer us spectacular results that are fulfilled in 0.5%? of cases.
Added to all this is the huge wave caused by the popularization of generative artificial intelligence , especially with ChatGPT, which promises to achieve this type of “miracles” in series.
It is true that it does things that were unthinkable a short time ago and that it will continue to improve. But at the moment the quality of the things it generates is not very good, and at the same time ChatGPT is creating a problem for SMEs .
Is artificial intelligence going to help us do repetitive tasks better and faster? Yes. Is it going to think for us and do the magic that they sell us? I highly doubt it.
The first is not far off, but for the second we must have a strong basic knowledge, learn to use the tool correctly to find its real use for your business and, finally, have the criteria to assess whether the result obtained is of sufficient quality.
How many SMEs or professionals do you think have sufficient training and experience to meet the three criteria? Or do you see it more as the next product to be sold by agencies and consultancies?
SMEs have extensive knowledge of their business, but they still have trouble understanding the most basic aspects of digital marketing. Do you think they will be able to assimilate artificial intelligence and integrate it into their businesses in the medium term? Do you think that the tool that starts to work will be free? (in a world in which all the big companies are starting to charge for everything and/or forcing us to pay to gain visibility).
In the world of shortcuts, the good professional is king
This trend towards the immediate, free and “magical” is something we have seen for years in digital marketing, and at a social level as well. Thinking about this in a previous article, I came up with this phrase that I think sums it up well: “ The easy way is faster, but it doesn’t always get you to your destination .”
The search for shortcuts is tempting (for everyone), but the reality is that in the vast majority of cases it leads to failed expectations, wasted time and money, etc. At the other extreme is doing everything step by step, with the time that the market and our own capabilities allow us. Can't we look for a middle path?
Any innovation that allows us to do things better and faster is more than welcome in any case. But we have to be realistic about the benefits it will bring us. At the moment, magic does not exist, but the results of good work do. This approach will work today and in 100 years.
So, incorporating innovations into our work or company: 120% yes. But as a contribution of real value to solve a current and specific problem or need, not looking for a magic solution that does not exist or unreal results.