Based on personality type and position in the team, all employees can be divided into several groups:
Star . Occupies a key position in the company. Solves responsible and complex problems. The well-being of the organization largely depends on his work. Understands his importance for the company and can afford to address the management with demands.
Workaholic . Constantly busy with work. So much so that he forgets even about himself. Strives to do the job perfectly, can get stuck for a long time on moments that do not require perfection. Such a specialist requires control.
Lazy . Does the job poorly, tries to get rid of it as quickly as possible. If he has to work hard and intensively, he willingly leaves the company.
Office plankton . Such people vk database form the basis of the team. While the work is new and interesting, they work with enthusiasm. After a couple of years, they begin to think about a new company if there is no growth or any improvements at the current place.
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These types are not always present all at once in a given organization, but for a large staff they are quite typical.
Often, managers do not fully understand the value of a particular employee for the company. And only his dismissal gives an understanding of the significance of such a specialist. Often, at a new place of work, a person demonstrates high results that were not observed before. In this case, most likely, the specialist was simply not given the opportunity to realize his full potential.
Signs of a talented employee
To avoid such incidents, it is necessary to promptly recognize in the team an employee who can grow into a highly qualified specialist and bring benefit to the enterprise. Pay attention to a number of qualities:
The employee clearly understands his goals and objectives , imagines what he wants to achieve in the short and long term, and strives for professional and career growth.
Resourcefulness . The employee does not become stupefied when the situation goes beyond his usual duties, but is able to find an original solution to the problem.
Confidence in your skills and qualifications . You need to understand the difference between a professional and an adventurer. The former can take on a complex project, but a frankly unrealistic task for him, unlike the latter, will cause concern.
Versatility . A valuable skill that allows one specialist to be used to solve various issues, including those that are beyond his direct responsibilities. The employee is constantly learning something new that can be useful in his work.