Once the MVP has been successfully tested, it is necessary to outline the main directions of strategic development, set key business goals, user priorities that must be achieved when using the product. Design must be carried out for both the medium and long term.
Once the strategic points and goals of the project have been defined, planning begins. Here it is important to form a workflow and methods that are adapted and combined in the interests of the team and the project itself, taking into account the available resources. In addition, at this step the dynamics of collective work should be determined, for which sprints are ideal.
During the management advertising database of a digital product, key tasks that are of the greatest importance to the end user and can increase the user value of the product need to be outlined for them. Control criteria and deadlines for achieving them in sprints should be defined. Once the listed actions are completed, direct work with them can begin. Before the implementation of each, preparation is carried out, which relates to those options that will be implemented in the current sprint.
Digital product development
During the preparation, it is important to study the market, find out how similar tasks have been solved in competitors' products. It will also be useful to turn to related market segments. You cannot spend a lot of time on these activities; the team has no more than 2-3 weeks to complete the entire sprint. When the stage is fully completed, design begins. During this work, designers find ways to solve user problems using interface elements. A prototype is created for each of them, which can be tested during practical use.
Testing on a target group is an important condition for successfully solving user problems. This will allow you to get feedback from future consumers of the product, choose the most suitable options and discard those that have not proven their effectiveness, promptly make the necessary changes to the prototype.
When the sprint plan and functionality are prepared, they move on to development and testing. The latter is the most important tool for checking the viability of the product; each of the developed solutions is subject to this procedure. Once testing is complete, you can begin releasing the product.
When developing a digital product, it is necessary to maintain a reasonable balance between the speed of project development and the characteristics of the product. The situation when a team is given deadlines that make it impossible to ensure the creation of a quality product is quite common in business.
In this regard, there should be a person in the development team who thoroughly understands all business processes, tasks of the group and users. Usually, this role is performed by the chief designer. It is impossible to guarantee 100% that this or that interface option will be able to fully solve user tasks. At the end of each sprint, a retrospective is required - a meeting of developers who jointly evaluate a number of parameters:
What product strengths emerged during the sprint implementation?
What deficiencies were found?
Ways to improve the product.
Retrospective is an assessment of the completed sprint. It provides an opportunity to improve interaction within the team, increasing its productivity and bringing it closer to the full implementation of the idea. It is assessed how the interaction proceeds, whether the team's actions correspond to the initially set strategic parameters. A mechanism must be created in which the completion of each subsequent sprint will give the team the opportunity to progress, to achieve the previously planned result.
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