Myth 6: Clicks are the most important thing!

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Myth 6: Clicks are the most important thing!

Post by hrsibar4405 »

Myth 5: Pay immediately, but the result will not come soon

This type of persuasion is completely in vain for the context. Such promotion is one of the fastest and sometimes the results are already visible on the third day. SEO is the opposite in terms of time to achieve the result. It has a delayed start up to several months, but its result is burkina faso company email list more stable in terms of retention in the TOP 10 and near-top environment.

The click-through rate (CTR) is not the most important for measuring the results of an advertising campaign. Launching an ad on a half-empty, unprepared resource is wrong. The user, clicking on the link and getting to an uninformative and uninteresting page, will quickly leave, increasing the bounce rate and worsening the position. In addition, this user will not become a new buyer for the product or service, and one of the main goals is to bring in targeted traffic with a subsequent increase in conversion.

Myth 7: This will do!

This myth takes its roots from the previous one. Advertising will never cover all the shortcomings of the resource itself: outdated design, non-unique content, insufficient content and poorly developed usability. Do not forget that the site is your business card on the Internet, and many people may get the wrong impression about the quality of goods and services on it. Especially if the goods on your resource have high price tags (for example, country cottages from 2 million rubles or handmade jewelry). Take care of the presentable appearance of your site, then the user brought by the advertisement will not close the page immediately after the transition.
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