The system is an important part of the company's operations in any case, so implement it consistently and carefully.
Step 1: Prepare the team and motivation system
The most important condition for the high-quality implementation of the KPI system at the first stage is informing employees in order to convince them of the need to accept the changes. The lack of support from the staff can nullify all efforts: the team will consider the indicators as an obstacle to the work process and will prevent their introduction.
Particular attention should be paid to rcs data package managers, since the company will be completely revising its control system, and they must delve into all the details in detail.
Due to high motivation, employees begin to go beyond their job responsibilities. Low interest not only worsens the quality of work, but also creates an unfavorable atmosphere in the team. Measures must be taken to increase motivation.
The motivation system is based on material incentives. This means that employees will not be able to get paid by going to work. The amount of salary will be determined by personal merits. It consists of a salary and a bonus. Their optimal ratio is 1:2. Check whether your company has enough resources to pay a decent reward. Failure to fulfill obligations will damage your image.
Non-material stimulation methods can also be useful. In particular, it can take the following forms:
Day off of your choice.
Advanced training at the expense of the employer.
Gifts for distinguished employees. For example, you can arrange a trip, pay for a visit to a restaurant or a gym.
Career growth prospects. It is wiser to appoint effective employees to a high position.
The title of the best employee of the month.
Recreation for children of workers in camps.
Entertainment activities.
Corporate discounts.
Benefits, insurance.
You can consider other options. For example, organize friendly competition between employees or departments. Either way, motivation must be present.
Stages of KPI implementation
In combination, monetary and non-material incentives contribute to achieving high results. At the same time, the strategy of increasing motivation is important. Management should follow important principles, such as:
Openness. The employee must feel his value for the company. It is necessary to convince employees that they are able to influence the situation. Department heads should periodically hold meetings where they can freely express their point of view.
Team values. Conducting business games and other events improves the atmosphere in the team. Everyone will want to participate in achieving common success.
Setting goals. They can be set for a short or long term. The results of the work should be discussed collectively. When problems are identified, it is worth understanding their causes.
Feedback. To get it, conduct surveys or talk privately. Keep in mind that in conditions of strict management of the company, employees will not speak sincerely, because they will be afraid for their job.
Your employees should be informed about what prompted you to implement the new system and how the rewards will be provided. This could be done through a newsletter, a phone call, or a group meeting. Then have everyone sign or otherwise acknowledge that they have read the information.
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