Customers are not white and fluffy creatures. If a person is in a bad mood, the customer service manager can give it his all, but he will still be dissatisfied. Such individuals require incredible patience and take up an unreasonable amount of time.
How to work with them:
Client "I want everything at once"
Buyers of this type do not take into account real deadlines, demanding that the work be done faster. But accelerating the pace has a negative impact on quality. For example, plaster for painting should dry for 7-10 days. If the customer is in a hurry, the plaster will crack.
The task of customer service is to physician data package explain in detail to the consumer all stages of the process and the reasons why each of them requires a certain amount of time.
Client: "I came to you out of pity"
The buyer emphasizes that he contacted you and not the competitors. He puts pressure on you, trying to get a discount.
An experienced customer service manager will confidently list all the advantages of the company over its competitors, reminding that for this price the buyer will receive a guaranteed quality product, while competitors, attracting customers with low prices, do not provide such guarantees.
Client : "I want to make sure everything is okay"
These types of people are constantly calling customer service representatives to make sure the job is done well. It is important to set firm boundaries and explain why the customer can trust you.
Tell them that the company has been around for many years, the technologies have been tested and are monitored by specialists at every stage. Make it clear that by interfering with the process, the client is only delaying the completion of the work.
"Busy" client
Discussing the terms of a deal with such a person takes a lot of time. He repeatedly changes his mind because he cannot make up his mind.
When communicating with such a customer, the customer service employee must make all decisions and agreements in writing, save online correspondence. It should be insisted that the company does not proceed to the next stage of work if the previous one has not been officially agreed upon.
"Indecisive" client
The consumer is concerned about whether he is overpaying for the product (service), so he hesitates for a long time to make a purchase. The job of customer service is to convince the customer of the excellent quality of the product.
In such cases, you shouldn't insist. Tell him that he should make such an important decision himself.
Client "I know everything better than you"
The one you definitely shouldn't try to convince is a know-it-all client, because it's useless. However, he may actually be well versed in the subject.
Praise him for his erudition, let him know that you respect his knowledge and experience. However, do not flatter him too much.
Sociable client
When discussing the terms of a deal, a sociable person is constantly distracted by extraneous topics; he loves to talk and does not take time into account.
A customer service manager should be able to return the interlocutor to the topic of purchase in time. Use a business tone, ask precise questions that require a yes or no answer.
Dissatisfied customer
There will always be a customer who is impossible to please, even if your company has an excellent product and an impeccable reputation. A dissatisfied customer, armed with the slogan "the customer is always right", speaks harshly and is indignant. Phrases like: "Calm down", "No need to be nervous" only add fuel to the fire and make it even more heated. Do not try to prove that you are right, but try to close the deal by reminding that a decision needs to be made.
Client "conservative"
Attracting such a client is a great success, as he will be loyal to your company for many years. It is more difficult to convince him to buy something fundamentally new. As a rule, this requires efforts from the customer service.
When talking to a conservative buyer, provide positive reviews from other customers, talk about famous people purchasing the product, and list the undeniable advantages of the new product over older models.