Gaining confidence of consumers online

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Gaining confidence of consumers online

Post by Jahangir655 »

Consumers have to trust in you and in the safety of your products. That’s why you have to improve the website’s image and cross-media campaigns are often the solution to increase notoriety.

Respect Chinese habits:
In China the payment systems are different, that’s why you have to include Alypay or Tenpay as payment systems. In addition, some online websites allow consumers to pay the purchase at the reception.


Another habit is utilize many colors and provide more information on the website.

An easy purchase process:
Chinese websites streamlines the purchasing process and only 3 steps are necessaries to finish the purchase.


Consumers could refuse to purchase in your website if the buy process is czech republic telegram number complicated or takes long time.

Improve your conversion rate:
There are some factors that could help to increase your conversation rate such as include in your website pictures of the products, videos which show the products’ features and descriptive texts.

In order to allow the directly communication between consumer and marketer, Chinese websites include instant messaging platforms as QQ messaging or chat systems.
In China, these tools are necessary to confirm orders in an efficient way.
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