Of course, the list is not complete and could go on – for example, we have not talked about outbound marketing or communication campaigns based on influencers, but is it really necessary to choose only one of these strategies? What is the right digital marketing strategy in the telco sector?
In reality, as often happens, the best thing to do is to mix these different approaches , outlining an intermediate strategy capable of effectively pursuing the objectives that the company sets itself. This does not take away the fact that telecommunications must also and above all build a marketing strategy that takes into account above all the upcoming transformations that digital communication will undergo.
Here too, a report from We Are Social is useful, namely the Think ghana whatsapp resource Forward Report 2023 (Source: WeAreSocial), which contains the main digital marketing trends of this year.
It is no longer enough to be brief, dynamic and direct, on the contrary you need to know how to take your space, argue, take a position . Users are no longer satisfied with memes, with visually appealing content, but ask brands for something more. They ask that they know how to find their communication role , perhaps identifying a topic that is also relevant for the consumers themselves on which to express their position .
Any digital marketing strategy in the telco sector that you choose will have to start from this. Once it is clear, the tools and channels to communicate it will not be lacking. Only in this way will the perception that consumers currently have of the entire telecommunications sector change, which can then become "attractive" in every sense.
Obviously, this alone will not be enough to ensure that the entire sector resumes growth in a more decisive and uniform manner, but it will undoubtedly represent an excellent starting point from which all the players involved will be able to benefit.