New quarterly planning and agile controlling

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New quarterly planning and agile controlling

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Now a report (agile controlling) is carried out. This reporting also helps to carry out the new quarterly planning. Goals can either be continued or new goals can be added. After step 4, you start again at step 2 in the next quarter. I would now like to explain agile controlling to you.

Agile Controlling
Controlling is very simple in this case. On the one hand, you book working time to the epics and also assign story points (internal currency) to the value of a story. I personally think that the following should be included in the epic's story points:

Risk (1-5 points, assign points in reverse – high risk: 1)
Benefits for the company (1-5 points)
Effort (1-5 points, assign points in reverse order – high effort: 1)
earnings (1-5 points)
Now calculate the points. An epic can have a maximum of 20 points. Example: If small business email list an epic has high benefits (5), little effort (5), good earnings (5) but a high risk (1), it is worth 16 points.
Based on these two figures, I know at the end: how many hours we have invested in a goal set by the board and how many points we have achieved. Above all, the points help to see: are we really doing the essential and important things?

agile controlling 2
Agile Controlling
Example of the evaluation at the end of the quarter
I would like to give you another example. You can see in the picture below that I have two very vague goals. These are implemented through concrete epics. You can now say as a board member that you have improved the quality of service over 900 hours. You had two sub-goals and 5 concrete projects.

You can also see from the points that, especially in the area of ​​service management, significantly more profitable epics have been implemented than in the area of ​​technology framework 2. Perhaps you should continue to focus on service management or Epic 4? You have to decide this now.

agile controlling 1
Agile Controlling
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