Today we have as a guest blogger Miguel Ángel Toribio, a former student who has made a fantastic compilation of types of posts you can make on Facebook. So that you don't run out of ideas and get the most out of it, Miguel shares with all of us 100 ways to get more “likes” on Facebook.
Can I get more Facebook followers for free?
Oh, blessed Facebook. Our faithful companion. You have given us so much joy (and sorrow) that we no longer know what to do to get more likes . 99% of the strategies I propose will not cost you a cent, they are also very simple and the results are almost immediate. Let's get to it:
1. Use content that you have proven to work , that is, content with which you have had good results in the past.
2. Fill in all the information about your fanpage (category, name, theme, short description, etc.).
Facebook Statistics3. Analyze your page statistics austria telegram phone numbers see what types of posts get the best results and keep publishing them.
4. Share current news, we all love that!
5. Include the Facebook Like Box plugin on your website or blog .
6. Tag another fan page in your posts, they are likely to do the same.
7. Post frequently. The more you do it, the more likely your community will grow. I don't mean posting a lot on the same day. No! One post is enough. But keep a steady pace.
8. Take advantage of “Facebook Fridays” and participate in those of other pages.
9. Publish varied content : your experiences, tips, tricks, don't just share other people's content.
Facebook Posts
10. Promote your fan page on your Twitter, Instagram, etc. account.
Facebook Likes11. Contests are a great strategy to grow your community.
12. Take joint action with other companies or professionals in your sector.
13. Create a post on a current topic on Facebook to invite your fans to visit your blog.
14. Encourage your subscribers to “like” your fan page.
15. Offer discounts to new fans.
16. Use a call to action at the end of your posts to get readers to “like” your fanpage.
17. Use the Facebook badge on your website.