Twitter Ads Creative Formats

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Twitter Ads Creative Formats

Post by ishanijerin1 »

Twitter Ads offers a variety of creative formats to choose from depending on your business objectives.

Broadly speaking, they can be divided into three types: "Tweets with images," "Tweets with videos," and "Twitter cards."

Text-only tweets

As you may know, tweets containing 140 characters or less can be used for advertising. (To be precise, 128 characters, since 12 characters are used for links.) However, it tends to be very difficult to attract users' interest with just text.

Tweet with image

You can stream videos natively on Twitter.

Images look different on different devices, but if you're using the same image for desktop and mobile, we recommend using the mobile specifications as a basis for most users using Twitter.

Video Ads

You can deliver video ads natively on Twitter.


Twitter is a popular advertising platform that attracts trend-conscious users who are actively searching for information, and as such offers unique targeting not president email database available on other media, making it extremely attractive for it to enable you to approach specific segments that would be difficult to reach on other media.

Also, if you can spread it well, it will be an excellent value for money.

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