Let's imagine that the company's spacious office is located in a fashionable business center, the staff is made up of experienced and qualified people, and the quality of goods and services is always above expectations. However, even such wonderful conditions will not be enough to gain trust among customers if the manager is unpunctual, does not pay attention to his appearance, does not listen to interlocutors at business meetings.
In addition to external gloss and beauty (clean and neat suit, politeness and courtesy, education and diverse interests, commitment, pleasant manners, punctuality and respect for the interlocutor), it is necessary to pay attention to the internal image. This refers to the attitude of the company's staff to this manager.
Some top management las vegas email list representatives forget that a positive external image cannot be harmonious without an internal one. If a person in power constantly criticizes, insults and raises his voice when communicating with subordinates, a mass outflow of valuable workers will occur very soon. This will harm the image of not only the manager himself, but also the company as a whole. Clients and investors do not trust organizations in which there is an unhealthy working atmosphere.
Depending on the company's field of activity, the external image of the manager may differ. Of course, when establishing contact with a representative of a banking organization and an advertising agency, you expect to see two completely different leaders. In the first case, a serious person in a strict classic suit will come to the meeting, who will behave with restraint. An advertiser can appear in a fashionable and unusual image, which will be far from the style of a bank employee, but with such an image he demonstrates his creativity and uniqueness.
In society, certain canons have been formed that a manager must follow. In this case, the behavior model of a company representative will be correct:
criticism when choosing a personal model of behavior;
respect for moral and humanitarian values, their impeccable observance;
When meeting in person, it is necessary to take into account gender differences (that is, those that characterize women and men);
defining a personal goal as a measure of a specific behavioral model (motivation is higher if the goal has a strong meaning).