Steps to perform an A/B test in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

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Steps to perform an A/B test in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Post by Abdur11 »

In Marketing, it is common to run several tests to analyze that different products meet the same needs, how much visibility they have with respect to each other, their price, availability in the market, etc. And we have something similar for the analysis of email sending , because in this case we analyze the audience's reactions with respect to email openings, clicks, subscriber unsubscribe rate, among others; depending on certain parameters such as the time of sending, subject, content and others that we will see below.

Do you know how to perform an A/B test in Salesforce Marketing Cloud ?

To carry out this type of testing we have a very useful tool in Marketing Cloud , where we will experiment with the audience to see which variations work best in a mailing.

Steps to perform A/B testing in Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Initially, we will go to 'Email > Email Studio > A/B Testing', philippines whatsapp number example click on 'Create A/B Test'. The first thing the tool shows us is the process we are going to carry out.

The first step is A/B Test Management . In this section we will:

Give our test a name .
Provide a description (optional field).
Choose the type of Test that we are going to carry out by sending this email.
View from the Marketing Cloud tool of the A/B testing options.


In this case, we have selected the Subject Line type . To make the comparison in this type, Marketing Cloud tells us that we must select the email and then enter the subjects that we are going to compare.

Let's analyze each situation:

View of the Marketing Cloud tool, first step of sending an A/B Test.

For each of them, the procedure is the same, depending on the comparisons you are going to make. We can also compare emails , for this the tool gives you the options to choose email A and email B, that is, we will have the creatives ready to upload to the test.

In the case of Content Areas , in order to make this comparison the email must have an A/B Test content area. For example, in an email where a button is the content that will change, in the sending management it will appear as follows:
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